It's August oh my! My son and his new bride are entering their fourth month of marriage. Amazing. My youngest has
graduated High School, had her graduation/going away to college party. Now we are getting ready for sending her off to college in sunny California. No more rides to school at 7:00am, that is over now. We are buying plane tickets and planning when our daughter can come home (it won't be till Christmas), I can do this I know I can.:) All her dorm things will be bought out there in Cal. Kayla got $$ and gift cards to stores, located not far from her college, (thanks to the
Internet). Kay is excited and a bit scared (weren't we all at the venture of going off to college)? Go my child with God's Hand upon you! Do your best, we are always here, do well and learn much, accomplish your dreams. Love you MOM oh , and you better send me an email now and again and give me a call. :) My oldest will complete her last year in the Fall at a local college. After her graduation she is then applying to dental school. Very proud of our kids.
So this means mom has to do something new. What will I do? Well my eyes are always peeled out for any curb-side items left out for the taking. I have a couple of items I need to spruce up and get them on my Karens Korner Shoppe. What I will do is try to put more time into this small business of mine. We are told by the experts to do what you love, so I love antiques, and turning old thrown-away furniture into reusable shabby chic furniture. What better way to go "green", fix-up, re-paint, re-design, and re-sell for "new" enjoyment for someone else.
I also want to invest more time into my real estate business. I am in a new season in my life. "What do I want to do now"? So the above mentioned is what I want to do and spend more time in doing them.
New "seasons", for many of us, accept your season. If it's a hard season right now, you can receive God's grace to go thru it. If it's an enjoyable season, enjoy it well. Karen