Hello friends, how was your July? Does it not seem like July goes by so very fast after the 4th of July? I'm telling you every year I say this...."where did July go?" We had our son and daughter-in-law visit from VA. We had a wedding.....a memorial...saw lots of family members and old friends this past month. The littlest birdie is home in the nest...working and saving for a car to take back to college. I am very busy with real estate at this time....{that is a good thing}, hubby is quite busy too.

I want to get to the beach hopefully soon. After all I live on The Cape....we have some of the best beaches....and folks come from all over the world to visit "Ol Cape Cod".... I have no excuse...just need to kick off the shoes put on the flip flops and get to the beach. Are you enjoying your summer....? Being from New England....we have to grab this time of year and fully enjoy it....winter will be here before we know it. Well Fall {my fav} will be here first, but I can wait, and soak in August.
Be well..................Nest in Peace..........................................Karen