I was strengthened mind, body, and soul from this 7-8 week journey I took in Maine this late Summer early Fall. I was so grateful to my friends who insisted on me staying with them Bless their home Lord. I so enjoyed their dogs (Clem the shepherd, Inga, the red hound, Rudy, the black lab and Figet the Cocker mix.) Each one of these dogs had their own personality, Clem was the clown of the pack, and has such a zest for life. Inga, is a mighty hunter but also so gentle and she smiles,... really she smiles. There is Rudy big and grand in his stature, a mellow beast and there is Figet, loyal, kind Figet. They were my buds. I enjoyed to mare horses , Chance and Jet. I mucked their stalls and paddock and loved it. It was soothing actually. I enjoyed my stay in Maine. I am grateful for where my journey took me spiritually. Thank you Lord, this was Your timing, Gods perfect timing. I found "Karen" on this journey, and I am still finding out more about her. I like her! :)